Tuesday 20 September 2011

Theres a first for everything

Today for the first time  ever in the school i cooked in the home ec kitchens :) cooking not being my best forté  everyone was convinced i was going to blow up the school or poision the students haha. i had never felt so lost spending about half the class figuring out where all the pots were but after attempting to cut a few carrots and boil pasta  me and my partner made a delicious pasta primivera ! ive never felt so proud not to set anything on fire but  my pasta in the end tasted like gone off ceam :L
A nan no neo lano UMMM !! was how we started music. we were divided into groups based on our singing abilities and were taught to spell an african tribal song !!  everyone was in stiches laughing and im pretty sure the receptionists got  some sort of entertainment out of our vocal talents haha

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