Sunday 18 December 2011

Taught id get everyone into the christmas mood by posting a picture of  our christmas tree :)
only 7days till everyone is stuffed like a turkey with a delicious christmas dinner, till familys and friends share  thanks and love, till we make more great memories, till  the cheesey jokes from christmas crakers are  tole and till little children are running aroound with their new gifts from santa :)  hope santa like our tree

The snow is not falling but the chances oh me passing my christmas exams are

Hey guys,
so even tho in we are our in t.y we still have Christmas exams like the rest of the school, ive been trying to study all weekend but all i can see are a thousand words in English, Irish and Spanish that will not stay inside my empty head! you think after a hard year of nothing but study for the junior cert last year my mind would be trained to abstain some kind of knowledge.....but sadly not.

Im praying a Christmas miricale  will help pay off my hours of literally hitting the books