Picturica ! Photo gallery

I'm always looking for pictures on the Internet to draw, write stories about or even just out of pure curiosity, so i decided you know what? I'm going make a gallery of  sorts to show you some of the things i find beauty in. I may even randomly trow in some of my own photos or things to along the journey and feel free to say your input if any of these pictures interest you :)
( lights dim and the huge red velvet curtain unfolds.....enjoy..)

  source  I found this picture when looking for a new background for my blogg. I understand how a picture can hold a thousand words. The girl looks so at peace, completely in a word of her own with her new companion and yellow umbrella.

 Source What are you looking at?

 Source Do I have something stuck in my teeth?

 This is one of my own pictures I took during Christmas, we had just Finished our photography classes as part of our T.y Program. I have the biggest fascination with decorations.
 This is a picture taken accidentally of my two Friends, Ms.E and Ms.M. They just look so cute, it kind of reminds me of one of those photos in a photo frame when you first buy them from shops.

 This was a random photo I took in my front garden back in January. Its not very good but the sun rays behind the snow globe made me think that at any moment the fairy would come alive!

I took this picture the same day in my front garden I don't really know what i was trying to achieve but it was a home work assignment from our Photography teacher to just set up a scene and snap a photo